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تعد جنى مقداد وعائلتها من العائلات التي اكتسبت شهرة واسعة من خلال قناة طيور الجنة، حيث حازت على حب الملايين من الأشخاص حول العالم.

للخبر بقية في الأسفل.. ومن أخبارنا:

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ارتفاع سعر الذهب فى مصر اليوم بمقدار 165 جنيها للجرام في الــــ 48 ساعة

جنى مقداد وعائلتها

كما استطاع مؤسس قناة طيور الجنة خالد مقداد أن يدخل البهجة والسعادة إلى كل بيت يوجد فيه طفل من خلال الأغاني التي عرضت للأطفال على القناة.

 دائما ماتلاحق عائلة مقداد شائعات كثيرة كان آخرها خطوبة ابنته جنى، حيث تصدرت محركات البحث جوجل ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، بعد تداول “صورة” لها رفقة شقيقها المعتصم كُتب عليها “ماشاء الله خطوبة جنى مقداد” ما فاجئ الجمهور بسبب صغر سنها.

خطوبة جنى مقداد

وأثارت الصورة حالة من الصدمة وجدلا واسعا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، بعد الكشف عن هوية عريسها، حيث أكد العديد منهم أنه شقيق زوجة الوليد مقداد نور غسان.

الأخبار التي تم تداولها لم يتم تأكيدها، خاصة وأن جنى مقداد تبلغ من العمر 14 عاماً، وبذلك فإن والديها من المستحيل أن يتقبلوا فكرة إرتباطها قبل أن تبلغ سن الرشد كحد أدنى.

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If you're going through a divorce, you know how tough and emotionally draining it can be. But fret not, because I've got some good news for you. There's a convenient and cost-effective option available – online uncontested divorce new york. Yep, you heard that right! This hassle-free approach allows you to file for divorce without the need for those pesky court appearances. So, let's dive into the benefits and what you need to know.

Cost Savings: Keep Your Wallet Happy

Divorces can be a real drain on your finances, but not with online uncontested divorce! One of the biggest advantages of this process is the cost savings. Compared to traditional divorce, where legal fees can add up quickly, online divorce typically costs less. The reason? Well, there are fewer legal fees involved when you and your spouse agree on the terms of the divorce without needing legal assistance.

Convenience: Do It All from Home

Who wants to take time off work or make multiple trips to the courthouse? Not me, and probably not you either. That's where the convenience of online uncontested divorce comes in handy. You can complete the entire process right from the comfort of your own home. No need to rush around; we'll handle the necessary agreements and forms, sending them to you online. You can even get the documents notarized online. Talk about a time-saver!

Flexibility: Take Your Time

One of the best parts of online uncontested divorce is that you can work at your own pace. No rushing, no pressure – just take as much time as you need to review and complete the necessary forms. This is especially great for busy couples who need that extra time to carefully consider their options. Plus, it helps speed up the process overall, giving you more time to breathe easy.

Agree to Agree: For Couples on the Same Page

Now, here's the thing – online uncontested divorce is only an option for couples who agree on the terms of the divorce. If you and your spouse are on the same page regarding property division, child custody, and spousal support, then this could be the perfect choice for you. But if there are disagreements or major disputes, it might be time to seek legal advice.

The Process Made Simple: Our Online Uncontested Divorce NY

If you're considering online uncontested divorce, you're in luck! Our process is straightforward, convenient, and affordable. Here's how it works:

  • Start by completing our intake sheet.

  • A lawyer will review all your information and prepare the required documents for your signatures.

  • Once the forms are completed and submitted, the court reviews them and issues a final judgment.

  • And guess what? Having a lawyer handle the preparation of the documents is a big plus. It ensures everything is done correctly, preventing any court rejections that could cost you time and money.

Time Is of the Essence: Expedited Service

When it comes to divorce, time is of the essence. Our expedited service sets us apart from the rest. While traditional divorces can take months or even years, our online uncontested divorce can be done in as little as 30 days. Yep, you heard that right – just a month! So, if speed is what you're after, you've come to the right place.

Privacy Matters: Keep It Low-Key

Want to keep your divorce proceedings private? You got it! With online uncontested divorce, there's no need for court appearances, making it a more discreet option. This can be especially important for couples who prefer to keep their personal matters out of the public eye.

It's Not for Everyone: A Few Things to Consider

As much as we love online uncontested divorce, it's essential to remember that it might not be the right fit for everyone. Major disputes and disagreements might require the expertise of an attorney to sort out. So, always take a moment to consult with a legal expert to discuss your unique situation and ensure you're making the best decision for you and your spouse.

In Conclusion: Simplify with Online Uncontested Divorce

So, there you have it! Online uncontested divorce in NY can be a game-changer, offering cost savings, convenience, flexibility, and privacy. If you and your spouse are on the same page, it might be the perfect solution for you. But remember, it's always best to seek professional advice for those tricky situations. Whatever you decide, take the time to make the right choice for your unique needs. And hey, I'm here to support you through it all! So, don't hesitate to reach out for that free consultation and let's tackle your divorce journey together.

Contact us for a free consultation by calling (718) 374-5642 OR visit here:

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